European Academy Training Platform
Enter Your Certificate Number
EATP is recognized worldwide as a sign of
professionalism and quality in the field of training
There are many of our branches within the Arab world
Lebanon – Italy – UAE – Egypt – Sweden – Syria – Iraq
– Algeria – Saudi Arabia – Sudan – Belarus – and other
Arab and European countries…….

Personal TraininG
Become the personal trainer you wish you had.
Learn everything you need to know to get your dream gym
job. Or launch your fitness side hustle. Or take charge of
your own training journey.
Start with the right program for you
- Certified Fitness Trainer
- Certified personal trainer
- Certified nutritionist
- Online coach
- Elite trainers
- Functional exercise trainer

What is EATP?
It is an international platform for accrediting trainers and teachers working in the fitness sector and sports activity in general.
(As a guarantee of the professionalism of coaches and that every coach and teacher holds the appropriate academic qualification to ensure people’s ability to practice sports effectively and safely)
In order to be a member of the EATP platform,
you must adhere to the ten rules for success as a sports coach –
You must introduce yourself.
Respect time and adhere to the timing of the exercise
Good knowledge of the scientific material
Diversity in the use of mathematical methods (explanation and teaching – collective work within a team – open discussions and dialogues – brainstorming)
Body language is a criterion for a successful coach
Tone of voice. Calculate the importance of theinformation
Motivation for the trainees Eighth: The ability to manage the sports hall
Sense of humor
Patience and patience.

About Us